A writer gets face-to-face with her characters

What happens when a writer meets with characters from her novels-in-progress? 

  • Conversations, chats, sometimes monologues;

  • Spontaneous topics for discussions; 

  • Honest sharing of opinions and experiences; 

  • Improvised mini-explorations.

The best thing is that these meetings are unscripted; they’re free to meander, to go in circles, to get lost, to explore. An adventure for both parties involved. 

And hopefully for the reader, too. 

You’re very welcome to join. We can have coffee together. Or, any other drink.

Coffee time!

Who is Victoria, the writer?

A 100% human being, first and foremost.

I always was interested in «questionable» women characters in literature and film. From my early years, «bad» heroines, the Snow Queens and the Stepmothers, fascinated me. The Gerdas and the Cinderellas bored me, while their antagonists intrigued me. 

Femmes fatales were my first cinematic obsessions, followed by problematic favorites. 

As I’ve got older, exaggerated fiction characters became members of an honorable pantheon of early crushes and creative inspirations. Complicated women from (more or less) real life came into the spotlight. 

Characters of my novels-in-progress are such women (on two occasions, they’re the Black Fox and the Cat). They are inspired by early crushes and shaped by real-life stories. 


  • English is not my native language; 

  • I’m against the usage of ai in creative writing. 

I’m keeping the “author’s style” intact, including grammar errors, as a proof that everything written here is 100% human-created, no ai involved.  

Subscribe to Unscripted Chats

A writer meets with her characters, aka complicated women, for unscripted chats set in different locations. Sometimes, a black fox or a cat join the talk. You’re welcome to sneak in.


Culturally alienated, unhealthily curious. I write fairytales for grownups. There is a very high chance that my books will be banned. Somewhere // 100% human-crafted, no ai involved.